May 3, 2008

Liam & Nika

We were over at my moms and they climbed into the chair to read together.
Well actually it was more like Liam joined Nika, and she tolerated it...
Classic Nika face....
They are only two years apart and yet they look so different...
My two little monkeys.... (-= I just realized they both have on primate shirts....


Anonymous said...

Such adorable babies! I'm slowly growing accustomed to the idea that Ben has kids, I should have fully accepted it by the time they graduate high school. ;o)

Oh, and on another note. Your friend Lisa has a sister who is married to my only cousin on my Mom's side. It freaks me out a little that their family is "connected" to mine on both my Mom's and Dad's side! LOL!

Pam said...

They are so cute! Don't you love when they can sit together and not fight? And what a coincidence that you call them your monkeys and they both have monkey shirts on. Zack is my squirrel, I should start looking for a squirrel shirt! Love the pics!

Davianne said...

SO CUTE!! I love that my kids have monkey cousins!! ;D

Lulu said...

Ah reading time. It's nice to see your kids and now I know how they sound!