May 20, 2008

Father & Sons Outing

May 9th Ben and Triston headed up to Bartlett Lake up in Carefree, AZ. Kind of fitting name for the city.Here is Triston in our garage as we are packing the van. Is he excited? Yeah you don't even have to ask!
Here is a view of the beautiful lake.Checking out the dock with Malibu. Yes we bring boy dogs on this weekend!
A boy and his their anything cuter?
Here is a tuckered Malibu on Friday night sleeping in the van. This is Saturday morning but this is what Malibu did on Friday night to get so tired...He loves the water. Ben was throwing this stick way out into the lake but it didn't faze him he would just jump out and swim right to it!Hiking around the lake
There was a lot of fishing being done Saturday Morning. Here another Dad in our ward is helping Triston to fish. He actually did catch his first fish on this trip but we didn't get a picture of it. Yeah he had fun and so did Dad. I am grateful for Ben for actually bringing my camera and capturing this fun trip. Next year he will need to get someone to take a picture of the two of them. I mean it is a total Kodak moment!


Klare said...

How fun! Makes me want to have a dog! Like Darren will ever let me. ;)
I love getting pictures back of things I didn't have to be at. Ha ha! Looks like they had tons fo fun!

Lulu said...

Looks like a great place for father and sons! And he looks like if he smiles any bigger it might just pop right off his little face!!

Camille said...

How cute!! I'm impressed that Ben brought the camera and took pictures!! That's awesome!! I don't think Kevin would take the camera, and if he did, I don't think he would remember to take pictures!

Davianne said...

So fun! I can't wait for my boys to do that. I know Isaac would love it SO much.