February 26, 2008


I feel like my fridge has a never ending supply. Triston had an ear infection last week, now Nika has double ear infections, and I just found out I have Strep again for the third time since November! What the heck! The only good thing is I have finally gotten over my problem swallowing huge pills. Chalk it up to all the practice I have had lately!


Davianne said...

Man, you're sick again. I'm sorry. Hope you all get better soon.

Klare said...

So, so sorry. But, like you know, I am in the same boat. Though, Eve is allergic to Amox. so she got to have Omnicef, it is nice because I don't have to have it in the fridge. And, she is finally done with it. Ryder is taking his now and it is the biggest project getting him to take it. Fun times. Not.

Camille said...

Not fun!!! Hope you all feel better (and stay better!! No more strep throat!!!) real soon!!!

Ashley said...

For me yesterday was vomit day. A friend told me her son threw up in the morning so she couldn't go to the zoo with us. My friends daughter threw up at the zoo and Chloe threw up after dinner. Now that I have a child I don't think I will like this time of year. We have been sick too much.