So on President's Day the family decided to go for a hike. About 5 miles down the road we are lucky enough to have the Phoenix International Raceway. Close enough to enjoy, far enough to not hear the noise. It is nestled in the mountains and there is a small hill that overlooks it that we decided to hike.This view was just a few minutes into the hike but we are already pretty high.
There is the P.I.R.
There was this huge cactus and to better show you it's height I had the kids stand next to it.The view going up.
Almost to the top. Jed snapped a great family picture!
The view looking down the path we just walked up, and the wilderness to the south of us.
Jed's GQ shot, (our house is north of that river you see. )On the top of the hill was this stone cross thing, or maybe more of a compass since it pointed north, south east, and west. Anyhow Liam really liked it!
Sometimes it is uncanny how much Liam reminds me of Triston. They have a lot of the same mannerisms. This is one of them. I have a picture of Triston doing this exact pose. One finger in the air. Like he is saying "Listen, what's that!" Don't you love that little belly poking out!
And finally it is my little Karate Kid Triston. Which is fitting since he and Anja both started taking TaeKwonDo lessons.
Anyhow it was a nice start to our President's Day
February 26, 2008
President's Day Hike
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How fun!! I miss hiking. I'm not brave enough to go snow hiking.
Oh, and that cactus is insane! Holy hugeness!!
Holy huge cactus!!!
How fun for you guys. Our family needs to get out more and do more family things together. One of these days.
lol, I just read Dav's comments and we said almost the exact thing. Are we sisters or something??
Hmmm....I can;t see any of the pictures!
Ok I reposted the blog so hopefully now the pictures will stay on there! I don't why it does that.
Yes, his belly is so cute.
Thanks Esther!! Cute pictures!! That cactus WAS HUGE!!!! Both of the girls saw it and said "WHOA!!!" I love the family picture Jed took. So cute!! You look like you are only 19!!!! You young thing!!!
How do you find the time/energy/motivation to go HIKING Esther? You amaze me.
LOVE that cactus! AWESOME! I gotta ask though, in one of the first few pic's, I think of Triston, Anja, and maybe Nika too, you can see someone was peeling out in the dirt and doing some 3-60's. I sure hope that wasn't Ben doing that in a minivan! (The visual is just making me CRACK up!)
Jensa- It helps that hiking is something I like to do, that makes it easier to be motivated!
Michelle- It wasn't Ben or anyone else while we there but at night I am sure a lot of fun goes on in that area. It is out in the middle of nothing, just a few homes. Although I wouldn't put it past Ben. Crazy head!
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