July 1, 2008

Just Curious...

Ben and I seem to disagree over this point quite a lot and he thought maybe I should ask the blogging world what they think of our points of view.
The other night we were parked in the car and eating a bite of food before returning to our house and kids. With the recent scare on tomatoes he didn't want to eat the one in his hamburger. Can't blame him on that...well without a second thought he tosses it out the window and into the parking lot. Now I get all worked up on the fact that he is clearly littering.
Now he tells me as he always does when I catch him doing this that he is not littering because said item is "biodegradable."
I of course counter that who cares if it is going to be gone in a week. Tomorrow when someone steps out of their car and steps onto said rotting tomato they are going to be as mad as I was.
So I ask you...what is the ruling? Is it ok to toss "bio's" out the window or should he put it in the bag the food came in! (I always turn that into the trash bag)


Ben said...

A tomato under your shoe will not make the same mess as gum, and it's not against the law. I'm right.

Klare said...

Yup. That sounds like my brother. If there were birds around that might eat it I would probably toss it out the window. But, 99.9% of the time I put it in the bag that I am going to put in the trash. How hard is that? Not hard at all.
I know, my brother will come back with some witty comeback or arguement. Whatever.

Ashley said...

It is one thing if it is a dry substance like a cracker, but something slippery and gross like a tomato?

It is against the law in CA to throw a tomato out your car. When I had to take a drivers training class to get rid of a ticket (you will see what useless knowledge I hold on to) they said you can only liter two things form your car, water and chicken feathers. It has to do something with transporting cold items that leak water and transporting chicken coops.

Ben said...

It's only illegal if the car is moving. Where are my props for feeding the birds?!?

Michelle said...

I agree with you and Ben. I would be totally mad if I stepped on a nasty tomato or any other biodegradable item. But, if I am somewhere and there is no trash can in sight, I have no problem throwing a biodegradable item in the bushes or something. I dont ever put it where someone might step on it, though.

And I totally agree with Klare on this comment:
"I know, my brother will come back with some witty comeback or arguement. Whatever".

Vic said...

K I know you don't know me, but you are on my sisters blog and I think I have a comment I would like to share.... I agree with said Ben. It is not illegal to throw bio-degradable items onto the street ... but... I agree with the lady that it is soo annoying (and looks really gross) to see random food laying around on the ground, especially when stepped in. Are we civilized people? So my verdict is this, throw your tomatoes on the ground, but make sure there is dirt beneath where it lands and that it isn't in someones foot path. Way to feed the birds, but you know that tomato may end up on your car in a few hours...
It is illegal to throw anything out of a moving vehicle.



Vicki Coleman, Lisa's sister

McB's said...

This is what I say. I agree with Ben but only if you are driving on a road or freeway where you don't get out of your car. If it's in a parking lot where people can step on it, then yes, Esther, I agree with you and you need to throw it away!

Pam said...

I ditto Lisa. That is exactly what I think. If you can, get out of the car and dispose of it in the trash.

Ben said...

Of course I'm going to lose this argument when I'm the only guy in it. Let's have some guys sound off on the issue.

Me said...

Its ok to admit defeat babe... just admit you were being inconsiderate. If we were camping it wouldn't be an issue but we in a parking lot and had a perfectly good bag to use for trash.
I rest my case...

Lulu said...

1 vote for Ben. Just chuck it in the bushes, no one wants to slide on a tomatoe!

Anonymous said...

Ben's probably right that if there were more males of the species voicing opinions he wouldn't be so much in the minority. My husband would certainly agree with him. I, on the other hand, vote that tossing biodegradable items is *okay* ONLY if you're leaving them in an area where they can actually biodegrade (Come on Ben, you know that doesn't happen on asphalt) AND if they're away from where people would be walking.

Just my .02 cents anyway. ;o)

Dan said...

Toss it out the window. I do it with a banana peel at least once a week on my way to work. Someone has to feed the javelina.

Angela Lanahan said...

I didn't read everyone's comments, but I'm going to have to go with the following:

Throwing food out of the window is not "technically" littering...


I wouldn't call it "gentlemanly" or attractive either. It sort of seems like a lazy action. NO OFFENSE BEN! I'm not calling you lazy.

If Mike did it, I'd probably give him an earfull too.