April 8, 2008

If men could have babies.....

A good friend of mine's parents once said after having my friend. That they would have more children when men could get pregnant. Well apparently that time is now! I tripped across this story the other day. I guess he was on Oprah but since I don't watch that I missed out.

Sea Horses may not be impressed but I am in shock at what is possible in today's world...


redstarmama said...

I'm sorry if my comment offends more progressive readers of this blog, but that is sick and wrong. Really. I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Michelle said...

redstarmama, I couldn't agree with you more.

Ashley said...

This person wasn't born a man. She had surgery to become a man so all the internal pieces are womanly.
I didn't see Oprah (not a fan), but heard about it.

This is one example why I don't believe the claim that Oprah's show is not your typical talk show. When you have crazy stuff like this your up there with Jerry Springer???

Andersons said...

I'm just glad a "man" will FINALLY understand what pregnancy and childbirth are really like.

Ben said...

Are you trying to send me a message?

Me said...

I posted this to show the sad state of our world.. I too find this disturbing... not amazing!

Camille said...

Disgusting!! And yes, the "person" (Can't really call it a he or she) was born a female. I feel that if "it" chose to be a man, then they should have changed everything to be a man!! Wrong, just very, VERY wrong!!

Lulu said...

I have written a response to this 3times already, and can't seem to express how I truly feel. It saddens me mostly. How sad to think it has come to this. Knowing why women were chosen to be the ones to bare children, and to have it become to such a distorted issue makes me throw up in a mouth a little too!

Pam said...

Hey Esther! I just came across your blog and wow what a sight to see the pregnant man! That is disgusting! I wanted to say hi and I am glad to see that you are all doing so well. We miss you here in Simi! Your kids are getting big! Love Ya! Pam Walden