November 19, 2007

Dinner with the Missionaries

Always fun but more so yesterday when I had a lid to my pot explode on the stove! Wow I am sure glad that it was tempered. It scared me and worried me that the elders might die at my house after eating soup with glass in it! LOL But the blessing on the food did the trick and I am happy to report that no one was injured either during the making of this meal or afterward in the consumption of it. Although Jed did find a couple of pieces in his drinking cup. Whoops! What a crazy Sunday!


Camille said...

I am glad no one was hurt! Crazy!! Wow! With having Jed at your house, and having the Elder's for dinner, you must've had to make ALOT of food!! LOL!!!

Klare said...

Oh my goodness!! That is SO crazy!!! Glad no one was hurt! Never a dull moment, eh?? ;)

Michelle said...

Why do weird, cool things happen to you?! (I guess this previos comment shows why I am a boy mom.... Glad no one was hurt!).
And, what did you feed this hord of fellows? It must have been a ton of food!