November 30, 2007

Last post of November

Triston and Anja's whole school went to the Phoenix Symphony on Wednesday the 28th. I was going to go too but Anja was too sick to go to school so Triston went alone. I am so bummed I missed this trip because apparently it wasn't just their school but several other schools and out of several thousand students the conductor picked Triston out of the audience to come up and help him.
Picture Triston in his place...

When I went to pick him up it was clear he was the toast of the school. All the teachers were telling me how cute he was and that he was the perfect kid to pick because he was very animated in conducting the symphony. Dang it all! I wish I had a picture. Well I do but just not at the symphony... Here he is and with his treasure, straight from the conductor himself!

Thanksgiving Fun with the Davis's

We were happy to have Ben's sister Klare and her husband Darren and their 4 kids over for the holidays. I cooked my first Thanksgiving meal and it was actually quite a good turn out. The food was good and the company was even better!
Liam got to know his younger cousin Ryder and his cool toys!
Here Nika gets in on the fun

The Davis boys comfortable on the floor with Malibu

My cute little nephew Ryder!

The day after Thanksgiving we went up To Anthem AZ which is a community just north of Phoenix that has the most amazing park. I love to take the kids up here it has the best playground ever! And even though I am pretty sure I got strep throat from playing on the equipment with the kids I still love it. (Side note- Saturday I came down with a sore throat that did turn out to be strep... I am feeling better now that I am on antibiotics!...)
Here are a majority of us as we are eating lunch before we go play.
Here Anja takes the lead with Dennam in finding Nika...

and Bottom

Uncle Jed having fun with Anja
Triston in the cool castle

The train at the park

I love the sand lots up at this park because they have fake buried dinosaur bones for the kids to discover.. too cute!

Can't wait to see our family at Christmas! Love you guys!

November 21, 2007

Gives me chills!

November 19, 2007

Dinner with the Missionaries

Always fun but more so yesterday when I had a lid to my pot explode on the stove! Wow I am sure glad that it was tempered. It scared me and worried me that the elders might die at my house after eating soup with glass in it! LOL But the blessing on the food did the trick and I am happy to report that no one was injured either during the making of this meal or afterward in the consumption of it. Although Jed did find a couple of pieces in his drinking cup. Whoops! What a crazy Sunday!

New this past month!

Well Ben's brother Jed moved in with us this past month. He is going to get a job and go to school for a year before he leaves on his mission! Exciting stuff! He is such a help around the house and the kids absolutely love having their uncle around! Nika thinks he is her personal property and every time he leaves the room she starts asking where he is. Too cute!

Ben's youngest sister Abbey and my inlaws came out the first weekend in November. It had been two years since they had been to our house and it was nice to have them up. We went to a family reunion in Mesa, AZ for Ben's grandmothers side of the family. The Payne's! It was nice to visit and meet new people.

Liam loves Grammy he was just a bit tired in this picture...

The cute couple!

Triston's 7th birthday

Now that it is almost Thanksgiving I finally find myself with the time to write about Triston's birthday! What a slacker mom I am! All I can say is that our Primary Program is done and I now feel like my time is my own again!
Let's see, first of all on his birthday I went in with a little birthday treat of fruit pizza.

He also got to show his birthday book that I made with a picture of him every year on his birthday.
Here is a picture of him in his class.

That night we opened a few presents with the family.
Remote control truck is always good!

So is a kite!

Mom's idea of a great birthday gift. Since Triston has been having a lot of math homework lately. Can you tell by his face that he isn't to sure...
Dad's idea of a great gift and even though he is looking down you can tell he agree's

He is really excited to be trying out baseball in the spring, he kept asking for the basics to get him started training. Daddy got a bat and glove as well. So cute!

I have been wanting to make this cake for a few year and Triston finally agreed for this to be his birthday cake. It is a bunch of eyeballs, and it is perfect to make the day after Halloween because you need so much candy for it and I was given permission to use their stash to create my fun cake!

Then a week later we had a birthday party for him at Peter Piper Pizza. He had fun but I don't think we will do that one again it was a mad house full of kids and their hapless parents...

And for the record Ben does attend these events too he is just a little camera shy, here is one of my only pic's of him that night.

Triston had a good time and now he is on his way to that milestone eighth birthday. The time sure has gone by fast.

November 13, 2007

10 things...

Tag, you're it! Here's how you play:Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, funny, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they are "it" and to read your blog to see why. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.

Ok so I was tagged by a couple of people so I figured I should indulge the masses and write this thing.

1. I sometimes have strange food combinations, I love turkey pot pies but only with apple sauce mixed in. I know real exciting huh!

2. I have a goal to send out birthday cards on time this coming year. I seem to do well in the beginning and then forget everyone at the end. So look for cards in 2008!

3. I love dancing, if I have to work out I would rather take a dance class before anything else, my favorites right now is a Latin class, and a class called Zumba which mixes Latin, Hip Hop and Belly Dancing. So much fun!

4. I have always wanted to be a good singer. Even as a kid I can remember thinking that maybe when I was an angel in heaven God would bless me with a good singing voice. Kinda like, sorry your dead but here is your consolation prize!Well I may not sing well but he blessed me with a husband who can serenade me!

5. I really want an English Bulldog.

6. If I was in need of a job and didn't have a family I would be an EMT.

7. I love Ikea, some of the furniture isn't the best quality but I love a store that takes the guesswork out of decorating.

8. My birthday falls on Easter occasionally. As a child this inspired nick names like Esther Bunny, and Easter Esther.

9. A boy once had a crush on me whose last name was Mole. I knew it would never work when someone pointed out that if we married and someone called my name starting with the last name. It would sound like MOLE-ESTHER. Not the most flattering!

10. I used to be a tom boy and I loved climbing trees, until a friend of mine fell and broke both his arms. I have been afraid of heights ever since. However I do try to conquer that fear and have been cliff diving before.

Ok that was all I could come up with. If you want to do this go for it I won't pressure you!

November 9, 2007

Sick Kids

So I will get Triston's 7th birthday stuff up here soon I promise. Lately I have been dealing with sick kids. We had the mid October throw up stuff and then colds and now Triston has strep. Happy birthday kid! Anyhow sorry for my lack of posts. I will do my best to get some up soon!