For those of you who actually read my blog on a regular basis,(that was pretty presumptuous of me wasn't it!)I apologize for the lack of writing this month. I don't think I have been any more busy then usual but I have had a definite apathy for the blog. At the end of the day when I have a choice of updating or sleep, well you can guess by this month what I chose. However I am feeling the false peppy high that can only come from the ward trunk or treat. Yes I admit to helping myself to the goodies that my children so tirelessly trumped for. Anyhow the point is that I think that tonight I can finally update you to all our going ons...
There are a couple new posts so keep looking down...
Here are my two witches. It was going to be a witch and a princess but after seeing Anja's cool witch hat, Nika decided witch was the way to go!
Triston wanted to be superman this year and I think he looked super cute! I was able to use my trusty costume. A different lamb but just as cute. Mary and her lamb are ready to go!
I don't look enthusiastic but don't worry that is just because Triston didn't warn me before the pic was taken.
Our ward had two horses to ride on and the kids loved it!
Mom don't forget to brush our teeth after all that candy!
October 26, 2007
Trunk or Treat
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Aww, I love the costumes! I wanted to get superman for Isaac but went to the store to late and they were all out. You have the two cutest witches I ever saw!!
Those are the cutest witch costumes! Of course, they are on two of the cutest girls. ;) Where did you get those??
I love the Superman too, we might have to borrow that one year. ;)
My kids would LOVE to ride a horse! Looks like fun.
Nathanael is officially jealous of Triston. He wanted to be superman this year too, but I said no. (We already had a costume that fit him and didn't have the money to buy a new one). The girls are just way too cute! Love it! And you have the cutest lil' lamby ever!
So cute!!! I too love the girls' witch costumes!! All of you are so cute!! So, what did Ben dress up as?
He dressed up as the Invisible Man
So he was running around naked? That sounds like him.
LOL yeah it does...nope I was trying to be funny. He wasn't there he got stuck in CA so I took the kids by myself... get it.. the invisible man
I love your little Bo Peep costume w/ your little lamb...too cute!
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