October 26, 2007

Random pictures

Shot this one at our neighborhood G.A.I.N. event. Don't they look related! Oma and Nika
Isn't Rosie such a pretty girl. This is her looking regal!

We don't meet for church until 1pm and that leaves a lot of down time Sunday. This is one way to pass the time.

This isn't the best picture but I just love it, Where did that block go?... oh ok got it!

My kids think inside the box...
I also love how kids will sack out anywhere!

They were actually asleep like this, to cute not to take a picture of...

This is why I love labs...
They are so forgiving...


Klare said...

Man, you would almost think that Nika is your Mom's child they look so much alike! Weird.
I love the pic of all 4 of them playing mega blocks together, so cute!!
I have heard Labs will let just about anyone lay all over them, my kids would love that. My girls can't wait to see you, your family and your dogs next month! LOL

Camille said...

I love your Mom's new hair-do!! Very stylish! Liam....the little imp!! He is such a cutie!!

Michelle said...

Man I have cute nieces and nephews! What fun/goofy pics!