June 5, 2008


So Anja graduated from Kindergarten on May 27th. We were excited that she did so well in Kindergarten. Out here in AZ the cutoff date for school is Sep. 1st. and Anja just missed that as her birthday is September 14th. I knew she was so ready and so I had her tested and put into Kindergarten. At first she had a hard time adjusting and told me she liked her old preschool better. (She missed the Playdoh I think)
But by the end of this school year her teacher told me she was ready for first grade. Not only that but she said she had never had a student make such a big turn around from the beginning of the school year, "GO ANJA!"
Ben thinks Kindergarten graduations are so lame and I have to admit to thinking that way a bit as well. However when you see all those cute little faces in their black paper graduation caps and they start marching down the aisle to "Pomp and Circumstance" you can't help get a little choked up. Your mind starts racing to the fact that your child is propelling into the future at a rate that seems way too fast. What happened to my little baby!
What a bendy arm shot...reminds me of Aunt Davianne.
Giving her advice to the incoming Kinders... "Walk in the Classroom and be gentle with the animals." Great advice indeed!
All the graduating Kinders from all three Faith North classrooms
Her teacher brought each child up and told everyone what special character quality they had. She said that Obedience was Anja's trait. She does what she is told whenever an adult asks her to do something. Ben turned to me at this point excited and said " We have one!"
All the kids got up and sang a song set to the tune of "New York, New York" it went a little something like this... "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today... I want to be a part of it 1st grade 1st grade!" It had other cuter verses but I can't remember them all and since Anja is in bed I can't ask her... anyhow at the end they started doing the Rockette's kicky leg thing.
Here she is getting her official diploma.
Getting a congratulations hug from Oma
And mommy...
And the whole affair ended with ice cream! Awesome finale! Liam sure thinks so!
I love his ooooo face! Did I tell you or did I tell, he is a little monkey!
Ben was there too! Proud of his daughter and annoyed at me for taking his picture! Love you HusBEN!
One last shot before the summer... Anja and Mrs. Karklins

Brave woman! She had Triston, Anja and starting in August....(play jaws theme music in your head......) NIKA.


Michelle said...

I am with you on thinking kindergarten gradutation is kinda lame, but Anja makes it looks so adorable and worth it!!! In the bendy arm pic she TOTALLY looks like Ben! And can in steal Liam "Mr. Monkey-boy" from you?!?! ADORABLE!!!

And may be a silly question, but how does the teacher get Nika this year. Is she a preschool teacher too?

Davianne said...

So Cute! Even if they are lame, it's still fun just to see your own kids doing their part. I love the "1st Grade, 1st Grade" song! I wish I could have seen it.

Me said...

In Montessori Schools they often combine different age groups together. The idea that like a family the older children can help teach their younger counterparts the correct way to do things. So Kindergarten and Preschool is together. Preschool just ends at noon and the Kinders stay till 3pm. So she will actually have Mrs. Karklin's for two years...(-=

Jodi said...

woohoo! Go anja! I love the kicky leg thing.

Klare said...

How cute. Way to go Anja!