August 23, 2007

Our Family

Just a little about us. Ben works at Beneficial Financial Group as a financial planner and also a leader for a team of other agents. This is the best company we have ever worked for and can't say enough about how happy we are to have this blessing in our life. Triston, six, is in first grade this year and enjoying himself. He starts his 3rd year in soccer next month and can't wait. Anja, four, has joined him at school in Kindergarten and is so happy to finally be at school. She will be starting ballet classes next month. Nika, three, is happy to have Mom mostly to herself and seems to have a lot to talk about now that she can answer questions for herself. Usually Triston or Anja would answer for her...Liam is crawling and pulling himself up on everything. I am sure he will be walking soon judging by his furniture cruising. He will be one on the 10th of September.
I am keeping busy in Primary and enjoying life with only two kids. I find myself just leisurely wandering the store aisles, just because I can. We signed up at the YMCA and I am enjoying going swimming and exercising while the kids play. Sometimes it is the little things like that, which make life more worthwhile!
I will post more boring stuff later about what we do every week. I am hoping to do a weekly update on us. We shall see how I do...


Michelle said...

Lucas has been showing that he is on the verge of walking too. He takes 3-5 steps and then falls down. Yippe! Another boy to chase after!