Adding on....
Woman gives birth to octuplets in California.
Yes you read that correctly...A woman has given birth to eight babies in a hospital south of Los Angeles, the world's second live-born set of octuplets. The hospital says the mother, who asked not to be identified, gave birth to six girls and two boys weighing between 1.8 pounds and 3.4 pounds. This happened 10 years ago... I remember reading about it and I still feel the same. Women were not meant to have litters...
That said... I hope that they all grow strong and healthy... and I hope those parents have a lot of friends and family living close by.... wow
So a while back I was watching Triston's football team practice. The park has a large walking trail and many people take advantage. Jogging, walking, walking with friends, pets, etc. I saw this lady walking with a stroller and didn't think anything of it until Anja asked if she could go pet the dog.

Now say what you will about the fashion industry...those people are always on top of things. Sometimes it bothers me that it will be July and they start putting out sweaters. Or December and they start putting out swim wear. But I have to say this... in January when we are all trying our hardest to eat right and work out. Looking at all those cute bathing suits sure makes it easier to remember our resolutions. I know while it's cold and I am covering up and not caring, sooner than not it will be HOT and I will really appreciate the hard work I am doing now... So for all of you feeling the same way. Stay strong and reach for that salad, over that Krispy Kreme....

See you all at the beach!
Really? A women had 8 babies at one time? Wow!!! I could not even imagine what her stomach looked like!!
Yes, I have seen a few people pushing their dogs in those "dog prams"...absolutely ridiculous if you ask me!!!
Okay, so I found the story...and one of the acticles listed each of the baby's weight. I added them all up, and she had about 20lbs of baby in her!!!! Good golly!!!
Oh that poor women!! She will never sleep again!!
Two of my neighbors have that dog stroller. I fid it so weird.
That is supposed to be FIND not fid.
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