So we had an exciting November.
Triston got baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on November 8th. Ben baptized him and we had quite a lot of guests come see it all happen. I guess I was just so excited I forgot to take my camera out even once... By the time we got back to the house to have a little food and fun I finally remembered. I might have to recreate the scene and pretend I remembered... Anyhow we had the Stolworthy's, McBurneys, Johnsons, Punchios', the Davis' minus Darren, Jed and my mom all there. I think that is the most people at our house at the same time ever! It was great fun! Again sorry I lacked on the photo's!
Here is Triston and cousin Hannah crowding round the computerSo the Johnson's stuck around till Tuesday and since my kids had the 10th and 11th off for Veterans Day we decided to head out to the train park! Camera in Hand!
Eating a little lunchRiding the Carousel, Anja demonstrating a good Big Sister!
Nika really excited to be on that horse!
Speaking of excitement. Here is my cute nephew Tucker.
And his equally good Big Sister Hannah!
We like to trap our children when they misbehave... I mean they like to be in the cattle car on the train. Kind of disturbing to see your child behind bars...
Here are the two two year olds ready to ride!
And here is my beautiful sister in law Camille! I love this shot!
They have a couple different playgrounds. This would be the adobe, old fashioned western town playground... Triston had the girls cornered.. and yes he wore his hat sideways without any prompting....
My adorable niece Chloe was riding with me this time since her mommy decided to join the characters in the cattle car... I am really surprised that an adult can fit in there....who knew!
The conductor liked his horn...
the kids obviously did not...
Triston doing his brotherly duties...
We got to take care of the classroom pets for Anja and Triston's class. Mice...Four of them to be exact! Malibu was intrigued and Liam was too...
Nika mastered the art of swinging in November. We have a swing set in the backyard and she was forever frustrated that I could not spend all day long pushing her. It was a little bittersweet because it was just another example of how your children grow each day and need you less and less. She can swing all by herself! I can comfort myself with the notion that she will still like a starter push every now and then.
Anja found out that jumping on Mommy and Daddy's bed may be a bit bad for your health. We have an air bed so it is kinda like sleeping on a balloon. Except no rubber smell and you don't have to worry about deflation. Anja came running into our bedroom and was about to jump on the bed. Except she saw clean laundry and decided that would be a bad idea. So she aimed for the corner. And did something a little like this... OK maybe not so dramatic but she did slam back down to the ground and we ended up taking her to urgent care because we thought she had broken her arm. Thankfully it was just a bad bruise... but yes another exciting night at Goodnight Pediatrics!
We had the Davis Family come out towards the end of the month and had some fun with them! We love house guests!
A little male bonding, I believe they were looking at car videos?My girls love their Aunt Klare!
Anja and her cousin Eve strike a pose... Eve is thinking airplane while Anja is thinking Cats
Awwww so cute!
And the two youngest boys watch a little Big Bird
WE had a crazy Thanksgiving. Starting out with some really yummy food cooked by yours truly, some good company Jed and Oma.
A really intense sunset
And then a freakish hail storm that left hail on the ground for a couple of hours!Ben scooped this off of Oma's windshield!
This is the closest to snow that we will probably ever get....
The kids were on the front porch yelling to me that there was a frog. I didn't know we had frogs here... or at least near our house but sure enough there he was. So I scooped him up and let the kids check him out. For some reason snakes, frogs, mice, etc. don't bother me. Only bugs...
I did some searching and I think he is a couch's spadefoot. Basically he got confused because they only come out when it rains and all that hail must have made him think it was monsoon mating time.. sorry little buddy. We put him in a safer spot outside...the kids really wanted to keep him but we had to explain that wild things belong in the wild.
Here are the kids amazed at all the rain.Our street was a river. Good thing our house is on higher ground!
Triston bending over the storm drain. I was coming over to stop him from doing that... the water was going really fast and all I could imagine was him loosing his balance and falling in!
So it took me a while to post all this but wasn't it worth the wait... Next up December catch up...
December 22, 2008
November in a NutShell or a Coconut....whatever
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Wow! That sure is a lot of posting and pictures. Loved them all. I wish we could have gone to the baptism too. Sure miss you guys!
Oh, we are so glad that we were able to make it to his baptism!! That was so fun at that park!! Yeah, surprised I fit in that last train car myself!! I was just concerned how the heck I was going to get out of the thing without making a scene!! LOL!!! I love that picture of Tucker and I!! Cute!! Wow!! That sure was alot of rain!!
Loved all the pic's. Fun to see what you guys have been up too. We sure miss you guys and wished we could have come for the baptism!
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