No this is surprisingly not another homage to my favorite college football team...
And yes I know they lost yesterday...
ummm no this is an homage to my oldest child and first born son. This is the first year we had him play football. Usually fall means soccer, but Ben and I wanted to broaden his horizons. So flag football is what we settled on. Not as demanding or complicated as tackle football. Just enough to teach him the basic's.
So I signed him up to play in the 8-10 year old division even though he could have played in the younger division due to his late birthday. But we had friends on the team and thought that it is always nice to know someone on the team. Hindsight I am not sure I would have done that his first year playing. He is the smallest kid on the team and the youngest. But he likes football, especially practices since he gets to actually touch the football. Games are hard since there are a ton of kids on the team and he doesn't get himself open to receive the pass. But still it has been fun watching him play and then coming back home to watch the college games together. Two more games and it will be done... with a short break and then baseball! I am actually looking forward to baseball! So before the season is through I thought I would post a few pictures...
Game day #1Warming up... although it was in the high 90's I think... so really just getting tired not warm
Waiting in the shade for the game to start. That green thing is his mouthpiece!
Liam: 1 part sweat, 1 part water, and 2 parts cuteness!
Anja heading back to the shade after playing on the playground...that pink blip in the background is Nika
I love this picture! Just my boys! Too bad that Triston turned his head otherwise you would see their cute ear resemblance!
November 30, 2008
Fall means Football
Emerged from Me 3 comments
November 20, 2008
November 14, 2008
Dalton Family Reunion
As I mentioned two posts ago... this trip included a Family reunion as well as a funeral and a wedding. So now onto the Reunion.
This took place on Saturday October 11th. We all congregated in Canyon Country CA. The first time all the Dalton Siblings had been together since 2004. Yes I am sure you know what comes ops!
This is the first time he has worn a tie....He feels special, can't you tell!Grammy and Granddaddy and all 16 grandchildren!
The two people who made this all possible!
My handsome hubby and his mini me Anja
Strike a Pose! He cracks me up!
Aunt Abbey and Nika
The boy cousins get some serious debate and snack time in.
I love this one of Nika
And this one of Anja
Triston looking cute!
This is going to sound horrible coming from his own mommy's mouth but does anyone else see a resemblance to The Goonies...I will let you guess what character
Ryder getting his chow on!
Anja found a snail...something she has never seen in AZ
The OG Dalton's
Granddaddy trying to ignore the participants of the next picture
Chaos Theory...throw 16 children of various ages into a picture frame and ask them to smile
All the Girls
Grammy reminding Granddaddy... don't feed the animals...
The Boys
This was after Ben left for a funeral... Davianne's car decided to all the guys in their handsome attire worked to fix it.
They could be sisters... Kali and Anja -cousins
Cute little Issac! This was our first time meeting him in person! He was a cutie and all boy!
Nika and Natalia more long lost sisters...or cousins... whichever you believe...classic Nika look by the way.
Eat your heart out... I mean this was after dinner... Ben caught me stretching...
Miss all you kooky Dalton's....
Emerged from Me 4 comments
November 10, 2008
More on the Wedding
So as I mentioned in the last post. We lucky girls (Daisie, Sam, Me & of course Angela) got to stay in the slightly spooky but very beautiful Hilton Checkers. The room had lots of windows and mirrors.This was just the dining room!There was also a living room and a master bedroom, guest bath and master bedroom bath with a huge sunken tub and a steam shower... It was a gorgeous suite! A photographers dream with the amount of natural light flooding in. I took a bunch of pictures of Angela as she got her makeup applied.
Here is Daisie getting her hair done by the wonderfully talented JoAnn... want fabulous hair and live near Simi Valley CA? ...check this link out...
As a side note I would like to mention that she did my hair for my wedding 9 year ago! She still rocks!And the finished product...
Angela was going for a 40's vibe and I think all the girls (and guys) turned out beautiful! Here is Angela...almost ready to go...
This picture is kinda funny now that I am blogging it, it almost looks like they could be related... Any how this is the awesome aforementioned hair stylist JoAnn!
So here are the people she is really related to... The beautiful Carper family!
Daisie looking vintage glam with a view of the historic downtown LA buildings outside our window!
Just a shot of Daisie's broach. Angela is too talented not to infuse some of her style into the wedding! She found these at the Rose Bowl and added the plumage to them. Each of us girls got earrings and a broach but they were all uniquely beautiful. The feathers were the unifying factor and they were the crown jewel to these pieces! Thank you Angela for a gift that is truly unique and wonderful!
Angela and Sam right before we left for the Marvimon.
It was so neat to walk in and see all these people putting together the room. The tables were so pretty and it was fun to see all the ideas come together so perfectly!
Angela's parents produced a bit of homemade love for all the guests! I remember high school and being jealous of all the good food that came in Angela's lunches! This time we all got a little bit of that yummy food!
Daisie's impressive artist brother created this 4x4ft work of art! It looked like it belonged on that wall!
Since I was in the ceremony and didn't get any pictures during you will have to just get an idea from this shot. The guests sat in on the chairs and benches and Angela and Mike were in the center! It was so pretty!
This shot looked better in black and white I think... Here is Angela going over the ceremony paperwork. Just a few minutes till the ceremony starts!
This made me laugh...Angela was giving fashion advice to the man marrying them.. "just unbutton that button..."
Yep that's my girl... always willing to help the fashion unfortunate, just like a super fashion hero!Just some more of the little details that made this wedding amazing! From left to right is Angela's moms wedding dress, Mike's moms wedding dress, and Angela's grandmothers wedding dress! With pictures of the couples on their wedding days!
Here is one closer up! Isn't this a fun idea!
The food was awesome, it looked beautiful and tasted even better!
A timeless shot of the happy couple! We got to sit with them at the wedding party table! I felt like the popular girl! *laugh*
The first dance as Mr and Mrs Lanahan
I will explain this one because it didn't really turn out as well as I had hoped... This is Angela's parents watching the couple dance...
Angela on the dance floor looking hot!
And more of the beautiful bride! Thanks for letting us be a part of your day! You and Mike are great together and I love you both!
Emerged from Me 3 comments