Labs make the best pets.
Malibu was quick to potty train, didn't chew up too much stuff as a puppy and was always good with the kids. He turned 4 on January 29th...yes I know my dogs birthday' what!
So here is a little bit of Malibu growing up...March 2005
March 2005
April 2005 Nika & Triston
May 2006
July 2006 Malibu with a little puppy we rescued...found her a good home...
July 2006 Playing
Sep 2007 Sharing some birthday cake with Liam
Oct 2007 Good spot to take a nap
May 2008 Labs love the water...
November 2008 Checking out our visitors...the classroom pets
A Good Happy Dog! Feb 2009
February 16, 2009
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WaterFall Trail
So it is cool in the Valley of the Sun. That means time to go hiking and enjoy the outside before the outside can not be enjoyed anymore.
So we took a late day hike January 24th in the White Tank Mountains. The Waterfall Trail is barely a mile and a nice easy hike for families. I have seen people take strollers on this hike...We brought one backpack with water and took turns carrying it. Triston was not happy about wearing a pink backpack and when other people would pass us on the way down he would hide it behind him or drag it... So of course mean mom that I am, I snapped a picture of him wearing it.. he he he
Here are my girls... that don't look at all alike !
Last time I hiked this was March 20th 2008...
Liam is so much bigger! Thankfully I am not! He he he
Liam was a slow walker but would get mad whenever we would pick him up to carry him. He loved climbing... every time I looked around he was up on something...
The girls were exploring too. Anja was a little nervous on the rocks, Nika reminded me of me...She wanted to climb on everything and kept yelling at anyone trying to help her "I can do it myself! I don't need any help!!" She was making me nervous but she was totally fearless (as always).
Triston climbed up the last slippery part to where the waterfall starts...
Just to show you how high he was...
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February 13, 2009
It's all in the hair....
Why? I don't know... but when stars loose it, they loose it in their hair... What's that you say?
Let me list some examples...
Another Case in point...
and it seems even Men are not exempt from this crazy phenomenon...
It is a sad sad world...
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